Blending bliss n bleak in blithers

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Freedom of Expression ??

I have been wondering if Freedom of expression includes the Freedom to dress according to your wish...That of course assumes the fact that the dress actually sheathes the region it is supposed to...If so then some of our so called political leaders should be put behind bars for intruding into the democratic right of a citizen say Shreya Charan..

I read this story couple of weeks back about Shreya's inappropriate wear causing lots of wear n tear and I really did not know how to react...I kinda wondered is Shreya's attire the most pressing national issue today coz it seems to be so by the way some people are reacting....To all those guys I would like to say just one thing "Dude..get a life"....

As per their statement it is against Hindu culture...I dont think there are any references to the way we should dress anywhere in our vedas...Besides I would like to pose a question to these guys who are taking Hinduism for their support, Do you really follow all the Dharmas Hinduism talks of...As far as I remember Hindu religion just talks about how you should lead your life and you people dont seem to follow the important ones atleast..2000 or 3000 years ago there werent pants, shirts or even for that matter sarees...

Besides who made you guys "cultural cops" proclaiming to clean up the society...if you have so much free time it 'd be good if you did something better like feeding the poor, bolstering unfortunate or educate unsupported children rather than ogling at shreya, analyzing her dressing and tell us where it is revealing (like we dint know already )...

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